Sunday, July 27, 2008

It's a day in the beautiful neighbourhood

Today we ventured into The Annex. It's an upscale neighbourhood a little northwest of where we live. The shopping along Bloor is similar to Robson in Vancouver and the houses are very nice and very expensive. While some areas we've seen so far are mostly older-looking, brick row houses, these were mostly standalone (with some duplexes) and newer-looking. Margaret Atwood and other celebrities apparently live in the area.

We also found a cute little shopping area south of Bloor and Markham (not technically The Annex). We stopped in a few shops and had coffee on a patio.

On the way home we walked through the U of T, which has some amazing old buildings, and we sat in Queen's Park for a while. It was a gorgeous day after thundershowers yesterday.

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